AUS QLD FourWays 2010OCT15 001  During the selling season, single lane roads and cattle trucks running in convoy make for an interesting drive. : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Date, Four Ways, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  AUS QLD FourWays 2010OCT15 002  As with most truckies, they are professionals, so just take your time and you'll be fine when going around them. : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Date, Four Ways, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  AUS QLD FourWays 2010OCT15 003  When I say roads, they are that ... but only just. : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Date, Four Ways, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  AUS QLD FourWays 2010OCT15 004 : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Date, Four Ways, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year