AUS QLD Cooktown 2010OCT18 001   Cooktown's  european history dates back to 1770, when James Cook beached his ship, the Endeavour, for repairs after striking the reef. : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Cooktown, Date, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Cooktown 2010OCT18 002  The British crew spent seven weeks on the site of present-day Cooktown, repairing their ship, replenishing food and water supplies. : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Cooktown, Date, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Cooktown 2010OCT18 003  Cooktown is unusually rich in biodiversity, being close to three major ecozones. : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Cooktown, Date, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Cooktown 2010OCT18 004  It contains a large proportion of the 3,000 plant species and the more than 500 terrestrial vertebrates recorded for  Cape York Peninsula . : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Cooktown, Date, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Cooktown 2010OCT18 005  You also need to be on the lookout for "snapping logs" i.e. crocodiles, of which we saw plenty. : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Cooktown, Date, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Cooktown 2010OCT18 006  Here is the start of the  The Bloomfield Track , which takes you down to the  Daintree Forest . : 2010, 2010 - No Doot Aboot It Eh! Tour, 2010 Sydney Golden Oldies, Alice Springs Dingoes Rugby Union Football Club, Australia, Cooktown, Date, Golden Oldies Rugby Union, Month, October, Places, QLD, Rugby Union, Sports, Teams, Trips, Year