2015JAN16 - Anittel

AUS QLD Brisbane 2015JAN16 Anittel 001  That's Brett with his back to us and L to R you have Kimon, Marcus, Andrew, Joel and Damien : 2015, 2015 - Tasmanian Travels, Anittel, Australia, Brisbane, Date, Employment, January, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Brisbane 2015JAN16 Anittel 002 : 2015, 2015 - Tasmanian Travels, Anittel, Australia, Brisbane, Date, Employment, January, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Brisbane 2015JAN16 Anittel 003  L to R you have Brett, Adrian, Indo, Dunno, Ki and Marcus : 2015, 2015 - Tasmanian Travels, Anittel, Australia, Brisbane, Date, Employment, January, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Brisbane 2015JAN16 Anittel 004  Joel, Damien, Brett, Adrian, Indo, Dunno, Ki, Marcus and Andrew : 2015, 2015 - Tasmanian Travels, Anittel, Australia, Brisbane, Date, Employment, January, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Brisbane 2015JAN16 Anittel 005  This business meeting had moved on to spit roast lamb rolls with Agra Dolce, rocket, mint yogurt and a little something I am well versed with at  The Elephant Hotel . : 2015, 2015 - Tasmanian Travels, Australia, Brisbane, Date, January, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year  AUS QLD Brisbane 2015JAN16 Anittel 006  My last stop for the evening included showing the boys how to snort Tequila and knock over a few pints at the  Woolly Mammoth Alehouse . Could be a long night .... just sayin' is all. : 2015, 2015 - Tasmanian Travels, Australia, Brisbane, Date, January, Month, Places, QLD, Trips, Year