1 We made the Galaxy Wave 4:30 PM ferry service to Dixon Cove on the Roatán island, about 65 kilometres (40 miles) off the northern coast of Honduras.
2 My first inkling that trip wouldn’t be all plain sailing, was when the ferry ticket came with a Dramamine tablet. Basically as soon as we left the harbour, the vessel started pitching and rolling for the entire two-hour crossing, through 10-12 foot swells, huge white caps and head winds that would've blown a dog of a chain.
6 The crew were handing out plastic barf bags as fast as they could tear them off the roll and looked to have went through twenty or so paper towel rolls in the process.
7 Most of our group was affected to some degree, with Coco here being the most affected, but surprisingly the “desert rat” in me was just fine.