CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 001  Whilst I’m not a huge fan of touristy horse carriage rides, I think this may have been the second or third one in all my travels, due to the fact that the animals always looked in poor condition and/or are mistreated. : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 002  On closer inspection todays animals looked in great shape, the equipment was obviously well serviced ½ maintained. There were no rub marks or open wounds on the horses and their hooves and shoes looked in excellent shape. I came to find out that the government vet inspects the animals every day and pulls the operator’s license for any issues found during the inspection. : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 003 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 004  Our ride took in such places as the   Luz Vázquez window   which inspired the first Cuban troubadour romantic song - The Bayamesa, the   Retablo de los Héroes  , the site where two former Cuban Presidents lived across the street from each other. : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 005 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 006 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year 
CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 007  We also got to see    Plaza de la Patria de Bayamo  , where Fidel Castro gave his final public speech in July 2006, before being taken ill and stepping down as president and the site of the only monument he appears on in Cuba. : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 008 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 009 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 010 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 011 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 012 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year 
CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 013 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 014 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 015 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 016 : - DATE, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Year  CUB GRAN Bayamo 2019APR16 017 : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2019, 2019 - Taco's & Toucan's, Americas, April, Bayamo, Caribbean, Cuba, Day, Granma, Month, Tuesday, Year