DAY 51b
THE PEAK ~ Peak Tram (Hong Kong, CHN)
Saturday August 26th, 2017
TODAYS MILEAGE – 11 miles or 18 kilometres
TRIP MILEAGE – 36,979 miles or 59,512 kilometres
Rob and I met up back at the West Hotel after I got squared away at my new digs, and while navigating our way through the "Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway" (MTR) over to the adjacent 30.34 square mile (78.59 km²) "Hong Kong Island", we spoke about how ordinary the German girls behaviour and attitude was during the trip, culiminating in fobbing off Lee last night.
Imagine our surprise, while waiting to catch the tram at the Peak Tram Lower Terminus, both "farqing Fräuleins" step off the tram we were about to board. So much for having to catch "the early morning flight home". Whilst they were a gushing with their greetings, I treated it with the contempt it deserved by simply turning my back on them and refusing to even acknowledge their existence - let alone presence.

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