Week 1


Monday October 10th, 2011
TODAYS MILEAGE – 107 miles or 172 kilometres
TRIP MILEAGE – 2715 miles or 4369 kilometres

They reckon that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger ..... we'll see! Be Happy

Now anyone who knows Frankie, knows how much, outside of bathing or showering, she detests getting her hair wet due to how frizzy it becomes. Imagine my surprise when she agreed to spend a day white-water rafting with Rivers Fiji. and myself.

That's not to say that the weather cooperated in any other manner than drizzling rain, nor the ex-pat Aussie mining exec who could talk the leg off an iron pot and put a glass eye to sleep with this topics, on the 45 minute bus trip out to Nambukelevu, where we put the boats in.

Once we got under way Frankie started to relax a bit, and after having a few words with our river guide about him wanting to float under every waterfall we came to, she had her smile and giggle back. Like us europeans, apparently Fijian fellas also understand "the look" from a cranky woman and the effects of said cranky woman wanting to turn him from a rooster into a hen with canoe paddle, if he floated under one more waterfall.

At the end of the day, Frankie did say she enjoyed the experience and could tick that off the bucket list - which pleased me no end.

I was even happier that I didn't get stuck with "have-a-chat" on the hour long bus ride back to our hotel, so all in all – a great day Be Happy

• UPPER NAVUA ~ Rafting (Serua, FJI)
• UPPER NAVUA ~ Rivers Fiji (Serua, FJI)
• PACIFIC HARBOUR ~ The Pearl South Pacific Resort (Serua, FJI)