DAY 14
Week 2
SYDNEY (New South Wales, AUS)
Sunday September 26th, 2010
TODAYS MILEAGE – 2 miles or 4 kilometres
TRIP MILEAGE – 1715 miles or 2758 kilometres
After spending most of the day walking around Sydney, finalizing purchases of footy boots/socks/shorts, we all boarded a bus and headed over to the Sydney Town Hall with 5000 other participants, to await the dignitaries to start their Opening Ceremony speeches at around 4:30PM.
While waiting, I was warmly greeted and embraced by a member of the Argentinean Pueyrredon Legends – Ricardo, whom I have not seen since my first festival in San Diego, back in 2005. We played them in my first ever Golden Oldies match and Ricardo remembers my by name and as "the guy who had the website that was updated every day of that festival".
After two hours of wank factor back slapping and a few Mexican waves along the length of the main street of Sydney – George Street, we set of for the 1.3 kilometre walk to the International Convention Centre for the rugby festival opening party. As we walked, I was amazed by the amount of people who had lined the street of Sydney to welcome us to town. It was a special moment for me.
After standing on the steps of the Convention centre for over 40 minutes, we were finally allowed in to replenish our fluids and graze through a selection of hot dogs, meat pies and assorted nibblies while being entertained by an assortment of bands and singers.

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