Hawke's Bay Region


Kiwi Kruizin' Travels
Thursday April 19th, 2018

Elephant Hill Winery

Stop #2 of our impromptu "Girls Giggle Juice" winery tour was Elephant Hill, out near Haumoana, on the renowned Hawke's Bay Wine Trail, consisting of 72 vineyards.

Unfortunately the stop was a bit of a bust as we were asked to wait for the wine tasting, which we didn't mind a bit as the setting was simply stunning.

What did draw our ire was that four Asian's walked up after us, asked for the same wine tasting, at which point the man-bun adorned hipster wanna-be said "sure, that'll be $10.00 each" and totally ignores us - no matter ..... there are plenty more vintners in the area.

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