United Arab Emirates

United Arab Emirates    Dubai    Dubai

Where In The World


Dubai Emirate


The "African Adventure" Trip

The Dubai Mall

Saturday January 7th, 2017

After only a few hours' sleep and a hearty breakfast at the "Holiday Inn Express Jumeirah", I decided to stretch my legs and wander around the city for the day.

I took heed of the locals advise and purchased a Dubai Metro daily Gold Class pass for 40 dirhams ($13.99 AUD), which ended up being the most cost effective and efficient way to get around Dubai. I was able to get around to the "Dubai Mall", then back to the hotel for a mid-afternoon beer at 45 dirhams ($16.71 AUD / $12.24 USD) thank you very much, before a fruitless & frustrating cab ride trying to find a bottleshop or somewhere to pruchase take away alcahol.

In the end I just said "fuck it" and parked up at the "Al Hattab Wood Fired & Smoked Restaurant" for some so-so chicken wings and a brilliant seafood pizza. Be Happy

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