South Africa

South Africa    Cape Town    Cape Town

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Western Cape Province


The "African Adventure" Trip

Island Prison

Tuesday November 15th, 2016

For the uninitiated Robben Island may just be a speck on a map, but for quite a few individuals including Nelson Mandela, it was a facility in which they were incarcerated, in largly oppresive conditons.

For me, the visit had me in two minds. On one level I was upset and appalled at the treatment and conditions, endured by the prisioners under the at times brutal "aparthied" regime. Those feeling were tempered somewhat by the knowledge that a fair majority of the prisoners either ordered, supplied or participated in actions where innocent people were either injured, maimed or killed.

The dilema for me was that if two wrongs don't make a right - what would I do to ensure my freedom from unjust actions.

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