

Namibia        Where In The World


Karas Region


The "African Adventure" Trip

Another day ..... another breakdown

Saturday November 19th, 2016

Not a lot of anything out here and you wouldn't want to have a breakdown, which is exactly what we did. The exhaust system sheared off just after the turbo charger waste gate and with the exhaust hanger bracket bolts being seized, which made for a bit of a dilema. We couldn't remove the broken parts, nor could we drive with them swinging in the breeze.

Not to worry though, I got "Maverick" to "borrow" a length of the wire stringer from a nearby fence and we were good to go in 10 minutes. I had the muffler (and what was left of the exhaust) bound up tight to the chassis and we continued on our merry way.

Our roadside repair was good enough to get us into Swakopmund, which was 4 days and over a thousand kilometres (620 miles) on corrugated dirt roads to the north-west.

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