G'day Culture Vultures,

Hopefully this letter finds you and yours in the best of health, wealth and spirits or at least with wine, women and song.

Things have been a little crazy of late. Ruth decided to close one of her antique stores here in Boise due to a number of factors beyond her control. The owner of the store didn't do anything to attract business and the store was turning into a junk shop. We pack up and moved over to another store that had wanted Ruth to move in for a while.

The new store, Orchard Hill Antiques, has a refreshing attitude as well as people who really enjoy being in the "antiques" business. The owners are real helpful and have fun doing what they want to do. The move is already paying off dividends in regards to sales as compared to the previous store. We are both a lot happier for the move.

Ruth still has her store going great guns in Nampa with our great friends Dennis and Casey Kasum, who own and operate the Village Square Antiques store. Following the link to Village Square will take you to thier web site which was designed by Fitzy.

Dennis (the menace) and Casey are a real blast, great fun to be around and are especially helpful with a lot of the irons we have in the fire, so to speak. It wasn't hard to work out that we'd prefer Dennis to stick with furniture refinishing rather than landscape gardening, considering his little "burning off" effort. ;-)

We'd better hit the "frog 'n' toad" or me "Mal Meninga's" might fall off from typing too much.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Stay Happy ;-)
