Cuzco Region

Provincia Cusco


The "South American Sojourn" Trip

Plaza de Armas

Friday September 12th, 2014

Known as the "Square Of The Warrior" in the Inca era, this plaza has been the scene of several important events in the history of Cusco, such as the proclamation by Francisco Pizarro in the conquest of Cuzco and the death of Túpac Amaru II, considered the indigenous leader of the resistance.

The Plaza de Armas (literally "Weapons' Square" but better translated to Parade Square or Parade ground) was constructed by the Spanish conquistadores and designed on a standard military fashion, based on a grid pattern, taken from the Roman castrum, of which one of the blocks would be left vacant to form the Plaza de Armas.

These open areas are often surrounded by governmental buildings, churches, and other structures of cultural or political significance. The name derives from the fact that this would be a refuge in case of an attack upon the city, from which arms would be supplied to the defenders.

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