

Namibia        Where In The World


Kunene Region


The "African Adventure" Trip

Etotongwe Lodge

Friday November 25th, 2016

Our camp for the night was the Etotongwe Lodge, our oasis so to speak and a bloody good place to park up for a while. What made it for me was that it was obvious that there was a high level of pride shown in the running and upkeep of the lodge. It was neat, tidy, clean and well cared for and not a dust bowl with manky facilities that seemed to be the norm in Namibia.

It didn't take me long to wash the day's road dust off with a dip in the refreshing pool ..... and you wouldn't read about it, it was with an ice cold pint of "Tafel Lager" in each hand - it's great to have a birthday and your new travel mates running beers to you. Be Happy

After dinner that night, I got a suprise birthday cake consisting of 50 cans of Tefal and an LED torch as a candle for me to blow out - I was tickled pink by it all.

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