TOWNSVILLE – Queensland, Australia

As you can well imagine, the upcoming 73 day “2019 Taco’s & Toucan’s trip has taken a fair amount of research, planning and effort to hopefully allow me to simply relax and enjoy what six countries, across two continents, have to offer with my proposed itinerary.

The last piece of the puzzle fell into place this afternoon, when I was able to pick up the Cuba Tourist Card from the post office. Imagine to my surprise that after paying $117AUD and lodging my application at 4:49AM that I received an approval notification at 8:19AM and then at 10:32AM the Cuban Embassy emailed me that my visa was in the mail and provided a tracking number.

Barely two days later, the visa was here in my post box in Townsville some 1,440 miles (2,265 kilometres) to the north. Here I’m now thinking I should get the Cuban’s the send more of my freight, with that kind of turn around.

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